Ensemble de 3 pcs spray chaîne blanc
Ensemble de 3 pcs spray chaîne blanc

Ensemble de 3 pcs spray chaîne blanc


Art. No. 10058249

Pas encore d’avis.

PVC 47,97 € 2
43,99 € 1

Ensemble de 3 pcs spray chaîne blanc NETT. + SPRAY CHAÎNE

The S100 Chain Brush in a set with S100 Chain Cleaner and S100 White Chain Spray 2.0!

S100 chain brush
Perfect tool for quick and thorough cleaning of drive chains. Simply run the chain through the brush head, excess chain grease and dirt can be removed effortlessly. The long bristles at the end of the brush can be used, for example, to remove strongly adhering dirt from the sprocket and chain wheel.

S100 chain cleaner
Road dust and dirt in the chain lubricant worsens the lubrication of the chain set and promotes its wear. S100 Chain Cleaner removes contaminated lubricants automatically and increases the wear protection of the chain set due to its special combination of active ingredients.

S100 Chain Cleaner has been developed for direct application on the chain. It is viscous so that the agent can act for longer.
  • Also ideal for removing spun-off chain grease from the rear wheel rim.
Contains hydrocarbons.

Contents: 300ml

S100 White Chain Spray 2.0
Everyone knows *White Chain Spray*, but now there is an official successor: *White Chain Spray 2.0* from S100! It has 4 times better wear protection than conventional white chain spray. The *2.0* is suitable for all types of chains, works almost spin-free and has excellent wash-off resistance. For your motorbike it also means top corrosion protection. If used as recommended, the mileage of your chain set will be noticeably extended.

Content: 400 ml
Peut provoquer somnolence ou vertiges
Provoque de graves lésions des yeux
L'exposition répétée peut provoquer dessèchement ou gerçures de la peau
Aérosol extrêmement inflammable
Contient des acides gras, des produits de réaction de l'huile de tall avec de l'acide borique (H3BO3) et de la diéthanolamine. Peut produire une réaction allergique.
Provoque une irritation cutanée
Toxique pour les organismes aquatiques, entraîne des effets néfastes à long terme
Récipient sous pression: peut éclater sous l’effet de la chaleur
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