YZ 85 BLU 19-
Note importanti
Bud Racing cylinder heads with replaceable combustion chamber. Bud Racing produces cylinder heads for two-stroke engines in the motocross sector. With the experience in two-stroke tuning, Bud Racing develops products of the highest quality. The combustion chamber is very easy to change, loosen the cylinder head, take out the combustion chamber and now you can change the combustion chamber. This makes it very easy to adjust the compression ratio to different tracks and fuels. The combustion chambers are available with different compression ratios. During intensive tests on the race track as well as on the test bench, the cylinder head showed a better temperature development in the combustion chamber. The result is a lower engine temperature. The explanation for this phenomenon is the use of a special aluminum alloy, which has very good heat transfer properties. Another advantage of the material is its resistance to detonation.
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