Art. No. 10058390
Note importanti
109,95 € 1
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The Contour handlebar is ProTaper's most popular model. Oversized diameter handlebars without wishbones were invented and patented by ProTaper in 1991. Without sacrificing strength, this design offers increased flex and shock absorption over traditional handlebars, providing the rider with improved comfort and reduced fatigue. With its 2000 series aluminum alloy construction and computer profiled 5mm thick wall design, the Contour handlebar is up to 20% lighter and 40% stronger than the competition.
An extremely light and yet very torsion-resistant handlebar.
The normal fittings can still be used, but a ProTaper mounting kit is required.
a ProTaper mounting kit is required to attach the handlebars to the respective model.
Special technical features:
Can also be mounted on conventional triple clamps with the appropriate mounting kit.
(Delivery without mounting kit)
An extremely light and yet very torsion-resistant handlebar.
The normal fittings can still be used, but a ProTaper mounting kit is required.
a ProTaper mounting kit is required to attach the handlebars to the respective model.
Special technical features:
- Patented design
- 40% more stable than 22 mm handlebars
- 5 mm wall thickness
- Made from ALU2000 T6
- 28.6 mm diameter in the clamp area
- Anodized surface prevents material fatigue
- 20% lighter than conventional 22 mm handlebars
- Knurling on the coupling side ensures maximum grip
- Chemically applied cut lines and alignment grids are scratch and peel resistant
- Plastic end plugs keep dirt etc. out and provide a stronger base for the grip ends
- Weight approx. 703 gr. (without pad)
- Handlebar pad included
- Width A 800mm
- Height B 95mm
- Crank C 67mm
- D= 204mm
- E= 60mm
- F= 200mm
Can also be mounted on conventional triple clamps with the appropriate mounting kit.
(Delivery without mounting kit)
Informazioni sul produttore: ProTaper
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