Offroad maps Slovenia, Croatia
Offroad maps Slovenia, Croatia
Offroad maps Slovenia, Croatia
Offroad maps Slovenia, Croatia
Offroad maps Slovenia, Croatia
Offroad maps Slovenia, Croatia

Offroad maps Slovenia, Croatia


Art. No. 10057712

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11,95 € 1

Offroad maps Slovenia, Croatia CROAZIA, 50 PISTE

Discover the off-road fascination of Slovenia and Croatia with the FolyMap special map Offroad Slovenia | Croatia - your indispensable guide for adventurous off-road driving. Specially designed for this region, the map offers over 50 selected off-road routes, each marked and accompanied by useful basic information and a QR code. A scan of the QR code reveals detailed route descriptions and the GPX download for the track. This foil-covered map is robust, weatherproof, tearproof and writable, ideal for your notes and plans. Its handy format and precise cartography make it a must-have for off-road enthusiasts who want to explore the wild and sometimes spectacular routes in Slovenia and Croatia.
The features of Offroad Slovenia | Croatia at a glance :
  • Over 50 marked off-road trails
  • Basic information such as difficulty level and length for each track
  • foiled
  • hard-wearing
  • weatherproof
  • Scale 1:250,000
  • Clear cartography
  • only german language
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