Bundle HERO11 Black Mini Specialty Sport
Art. No. 10076002
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299,99 € 2
249,99 € 1
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Bundle HERO11 Black Mini Specialty Sport
You want the incredible video performance of the GoPro *HERO 11 Black* in a smaller, lighter and simpler design that fits any action. Well, the GoPro *HERO 11 Black MINI* is the solution. And in the *Specialty (Sport) Bundle* you also get a SanDisk Extreme microSD card with 64 GB and a handy, robust storage and transport bag.
The compact size of the *HERO 11 Black MINI* makes it more comfortable to wear when shooting from a subjective angle. In addition, two pairs of mounting eyelets provide additional mounting options on the body and helmet. The *HERO 11 Black MINI* is waterproof, even more robust than the "big 11" and therefore perfect for recording all your adventures. Press the shutter button to turn on the camera and start recording. After shooting, simply plug in the camera to charge. Your footage is automatically uploaded to the cloud and turned into an impressive highlight video that is sent to your smartphone and can be shared instantly. The outstanding image sensor delivers breathtaking, ultra-smooth videos with a resolution of up to 5.3K thanks to the award-winning HyperSmooth 5.0 video stabilization.
This GoPro *HERO 11 Black MINI* Specialty (Sport) Bundle includes a SanDisk Extreme 64GB microSDXC card, which is specially designed for high video resolution and demanding recording requirements.
1 x GoPro *HERO 11 Black Mini* with integrated *ENDURO* lithium-ion battery, 1,500 mAh
1 x SanDisk microSD card with 64 GB
1 x transportation case
1 x curved adhesive mount
1 x mounting clip + wing screw
1 x USB-C cable
The compact size of the *HERO 11 Black MINI* makes it more comfortable to wear when shooting from a subjective angle. In addition, two pairs of mounting eyelets provide additional mounting options on the body and helmet. The *HERO 11 Black MINI* is waterproof, even more robust than the "big 11" and therefore perfect for recording all your adventures. Press the shutter button to turn on the camera and start recording. After shooting, simply plug in the camera to charge. Your footage is automatically uploaded to the cloud and turned into an impressive highlight video that is sent to your smartphone and can be shared instantly. The outstanding image sensor delivers breathtaking, ultra-smooth videos with a resolution of up to 5.3K thanks to the award-winning HyperSmooth 5.0 video stabilization.
You can shoot high-quality 5.3K60 videos with HyperSmooth 5.0 video stabilization just like with the *HERO 11 Black*, but in a smaller and lighter design. You can comfortably carry the *Mini* without it getting in your way when you're riding a motorcycle, mountain biking, skiing, skating or doing other activities. - VERSATILE MOUNTING
Two pairs of mounting eyelets are available, giving you plenty of options. The rear eyelets allow you to mount your camera more discreetly and flatter. They are ideal for helmet mounting and also allow you to adjust the camera angle flexibly. Use the lower mounting eyelets for handles, tripods and other mounts. - EXTRA RUGGED & WATERPROOF
The *HERO 11 Black MINI* can withstand anything you might encounter on your adventures: mud, snow, water, dust, dirt and more. Just give it a quick rinse and you're ready to shoot again. The *MINI* is waterproof to 10 meters and has a scratch-resistant lens cover for even more protection that can be easily replaced if needed. - 1-BUTTON OPERATION
With the *HERO 11 Black MINI*, you can capture the most amazing footage of your adventures. Just press the shutter and hold on – you'll get authentic, impressive videos. In 4K (optionally also in 5.3K). Or use the professional control functions if you want to set the resolution, frame rate, digital lens and image quality yourself to get exactly the footage you want in the quality you want. - REC. CHARGE. ENJOY AUTOMATICALLY UPLOADED VIDEOS
Simply connect your GoPro to charge while it's connected to your home Wi-Fi. It will charge, and your footage will automatically upload to the cloud. You can then turn it into highlight videos with matching music and great effects. The videos are automatically sent to your smartphone, so you can share them quickly and easily. - SUPERIOR IMAGE SENSOR
The *HERO 11 Black MINI*'s powerful image sensor delivers the widest field of view of any HERO camera to date. This allows you to let your creativity run wild and capture even more sky and horizon. Use the GoPro Quik app to easily zoom in, crop your footage, adjust the image format and much more – your footage will remain razor sharp and retain its rich textures. - EXCEPTIONAL IMAGE QUALITY
With 5.3K video that offers 91% higher resolution than 4K and an incredible 665% higher resolution than 1080p, the *HERO 11 Black MINI* captures the action in crystal-clear, cinematic detail. Plus, you can shoot 2.7K video at 240 frames per second and play it back in 8x slow motion to highlight details that can't be seen at normal speed. And thanks to the water-resistant lens cover, which eliminates reflections, among other things, your photos and videos will look even more impressive. - HIGH-RESOLUTION VIDEOS + STILL IMAGES
The impressive 5.3K recordings provide incredibly high-resolution videos. And more. With the GoPro *QUIK* app or other editing software on your phone, you can extract high-quality still images from your videos with up to 24.7 MP. It only takes a tap of the finger. The photo can be shared and posted immediately. - EMMY AWARD-WINNING HYPERSMOOTH 5.0 STABILIZATION
HyperSmooth has never been better. The proven video stabilization has even won an award for its incredibly smooth footage: the 2021 Emmy in the category "In-Camera Sensor and Software Stabilization". With horizon lock, improved stabilization for 4:3 recordings thanks to our new image sensor, and AutoBoost for maximum stabilization with minimal cropping, HyperSmooth 5.0 sets new standards. Whether you're on a bike, skis or a skateboard, chasing your kids around the park or taking great POV shots of your pets, even the shakiest footage looks ultra-smooth. - 360° HORIZON BLOCK
Give your videos a professional look by capturing the horizon evenly, straight and seamlessly with the digital lens "Linear" with horizon lock. The horizon lock also keeps your shots stable even if your camera rotates 360° during recording. In combination with HyperSmooth 5.0, the horizon lock ensures particularly smooth shots that are perfectly aligned horizontally. You can create professional-looking footage without the need for a gimbal or stabilization software. - OVER 1 BILLION COLORS
Choose between 8-bit or 10-bit color recording. 10-bit color can display over 1 billion colors, offering improved color depth and smoother gradations to make your videos look even more realistic. - DIGITAL LENS "HYPER VIEW"
This exclusive GoPro lens converts the 8:7 aspect ratio footage captured by the image sensor into wide-angle 16:9 footage. The result is stunning video that takes action-packed POV footage to the next level by capturing more of you and your surroundings. - VERSATILE 8:7 IMAGE FORMAT
The 8:7 aspect ratio captures a larger portion of the scene in every shot. The extra height makes it perfect for extra-tall vertical shots in 9:16 or any other format you need for social media platforms – with less cropping. You can also zoom in on the best parts of your video and create high-resolution clips of the action while trimming the rest with the GoPro *QUIK* app or other editing software. - LIVE STREAMING
With this GoPro, you can livestream your next activity as a 1080p video in full HD and vlog thanks to HyperSmooth video stabilization and super-sharp resolution.
This GoPro *HERO 11 Black MINI* Specialty (Sport) Bundle includes a SanDisk Extreme 64GB microSDXC card, which is specially designed for high video resolution and demanding recording requirements.
1 x GoPro *HERO 11 Black Mini* with integrated *ENDURO* lithium-ion battery, 1,500 mAh
1 x SanDisk microSD card with 64 GB
1 x transportation case
1 x curved adhesive mount
1 x mounting clip + wing screw
1 x USB-C cable
Produttore: GoPro B.V. | Nieuwezijds Voorburgwal 162 | 1012 SJ Amsterdam | Niederlande | |
Numero iscrizione WEEE: IT 21040000012929
Informazioni sul produttore: GoPro
Sul tragitto di casa, in allenamento o in vacanza, sempre più motociclisti immortalano le proprie avventure con una GoPro Hero. Il motivo è chiaro: le action cam di GoPro sono estremamente robuste, affidabili e infinitamente versatili, grazie alla grande varietà di accessori che permettono di adattarle a tutte le esigenze. In più forniscono risultati brillanti, all'altezza anche dei migliori televisori HD. Quando l'inventore della GoPro Nicholas Woodman ha lanciato la prima action cam sul mercato nel 2004, si trattava di un territorio ancora completamente inesplorato. Oggi, l'azienda GoPro Inc. è leader sul mercato globale e produce telecamere utilizzate sia da team di produzione professionali, sia da numerosi sportivi amatoriali. E ora indovina: che cosa utilizziamo noi di Louis per realizzare i video promozionali e sui prodotti?
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