Dr. Martens
Carmo lithium-ion alternator regulator
Art. No. 10057345
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Carmo lithium-ion alternator regulator SUZUKI KAWASAKI VARIE
The job of an alternator regulator is to convert the alternating-current voltage generated by the alternator into direct-current voltage and to feed it into the on-board electrical system at the correct level. They also ensure that all the electrical components in your vehicle receive enough energy to function properly. What is less well known is that these regulators are subject to wear. You will hardly notice it, and usually you will only notice it when the regulator stops working completely. This happens after many thousands of kilometres travelled and also depends on the age of the motorcycle. So it is advisable to check the regulator's performance from time to time. If the regulator no longer performs its full function, the motorcycle battery is hardly charged or even overcharged (this is particularly fatal when converting to Li-Ion batteries and destroys these batteries in no time), then a new regulator is needed.
Carmo *Li* alternator controllers match the original in design and performance. In addition, Carmo alternator controllers use modern MOSFET technology. This means that they can also be used with the latest lithium-ion batteries.
Suitable for the following battery types:
Carmo *Li* alternator controllers match the original in design and performance. In addition, Carmo alternator controllers use modern MOSFET technology. This means that they can also be used with the latest lithium-ion batteries.
Suitable for the following battery types:
- Lead/acid, lead/acid MF
- pure lead or gel
- lithium-ion
- in principle, it is possible to switch from a conventional starter battery (lead-acid battery
- Age of the motorbike – was it delivered from the factory with a normal lead battery? Many older mot
- Therefore, always check the function and performance of your motorbike's charging current controller before converting to a lithium-ion battery or, to be on the safe side, replace it with a Camo Li alternator controller.
Manufacturer: Carmo Electronics | Berenbroek 3 | 5707 DB Helmond | Netherlands | info@carmo-electronics.com | www.carmo-electronics.com
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Informazioni sul produttore: Dr. Martens
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