Motor Circuit Training

Motor Circuit Training

Il tuo vantaggio LouisCard:  10 % discount on our training courses with code: Louiscard2025

Motor Circuit Training

10 % discount on our training courses with code: Louiscard2025

Motor Circuit Training offers training courses exclusively for road motorbikes. With us, you have the opportunity to practise your vehicle control, cornering, braking and vision techniques in a safe place, without other traffic. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced motorcyclist, the training is instructive but also a lot of fun. Enjoy a full day of fun as you experience your hobby on the track with other passionate motorcyclists. The training sessions focus on learning skills and improving your riding abilities. All instructors at Motor Circuit Training are professional instructors with a passion for motorcycling. They will guide you, coach you, show you the ideal line and give you feedback.

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