Powertune Cône D'Aspiration Crf
Powertune Cône D'Aspiration Crf
Twin Air

Powertune Cône D'Aspiration Crf


Art. No. 10060763

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58,99 € 1

Powertune Cône D'Aspiration Crf CÔNE D'ASPI. CRF250/450

Hard to believe, but more power for your Honda, model 2021-2023 Honda CRF450R and 2022-2023 CRF250R Twin Air *Powertune* intake funnel increases throttle response and power at mid and high RPMs on the latest 2021-2023 Honda CRF450R and 2022-2023 CRF250R models. It is easy to install and requires no modification to the original parts. Once installed, the throttle feels lighter when accelerating and allows you to pull each gear longer.

For maximum performance use the Twin Air *PowerTune* with the Twin Air *PowerFlow* kit.
Manufacturer: Twin Air B.V. | Eisenhowerweg 8 | 5466AC Veghel | Netherlands | info@twinair.com | www.twinair.com
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